– Opening up my life –

I’m a woman who loves God, who reads the bible and very much believes it. I think it has value today and is still the best wisdom around. Politically I’m kind of unique in that I am NOT a conservative Republican Right Wing Christian. I’m very firmly Independent but lean to the left. I very much believe in taking Christianity back from the religious right who hijacked it from Jesus Christ, including the things He and God said within the bible.

Initially when I created this blog, I was leaning to the right and my postings reflect that for the first few years of the blog. What I have found over these last years, though, is that I am correct to hang onto the name “Bible warrior.” A warrior is necessary to stand up to those who are deceived and blinded regarding what the bible actually says. There are Christians who are twisting biblical words and teachings. They have added and taken away from what was originally written within those pages. I am keeping them honest, or attempting to, at any rate. I am not afraid to confront the religious right and those of their ilk, who follow behind them lockstep.

I have already discovered one thing that is certain: If it doesn’t sound like Jesus Christ, it isn’t Jesus Christ! Consider me a watchman over the angry fundamentalist zealot, who preaches legalism, hellfire and brimstone, and a false gospel without love.

After spending a lot of precious time sharing my thoughts with a few on a small blogging site, I found myself sabotaged and shackled, without the ability to freely express myself.  I realized that it was time I graduated to a real blogging site where more people would be exposed to my writings, that was less heavy handed in the moderation of its bloggers.  I also wanted to document my journey in spirituality, sharing my experience with Christianity in daily living, with as many as are drawn to read my writings.

Another Warrioress

I’m intrigued by politics, current events, and am drawn to theology discussions and debates, though I’m not usually into angry argument. I do enjoy discussion and andexchanging thought with others.

The current state of our country, America, worries me greatly, and I believe we are on a downward spiral that may not end well for this country I adore.

I appreciate all comments from readers that are reasonable, polite, and intelligent, even if your opinions differ from my own. Please share if you like what I’m posting, or suggest a topic if you would like me to research and offer my opinion on anything in particular. If you want to get into a deeper discussion on some topic I’m writing about, by all means, feel free to comment at length here.

Keep the faith and may God bless each one of us, America, and our world!


  1. Hi, I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award, follow this link: http://media4lifeministries.com/2011/12/08/288/

  2. Wow… I’m so flattered. Just thanks so much, Freddy! I’ll follow suit tomorrow asap. God bless you and thank you for the complimentary gesture; I sure do appreciate it. (hug)

  3. I have enjoyed reading your blog and would like to nominate you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Please check out my blog for the brief details. Keep up the great blogging!

    In Christ, Kim

  4. Thanks a lot, Kim! I really appreciate this. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and am so surprised. I love this wordpress.com blogging community 🙂

  5. Hey sister..Nice job!

    I just gave this site to Steve from MD…He wrote you..but said you never responded..

  6. Well, that’s odd. I just responded to Steve’s latest political forward a few days ago. I’ll write him again.

  7. Dear Warrioress! I hereby announce your nomination by me (lol) for the Just Kidding Award! It is over at my place amongst other kidders of the blogging world here so when you have time please come and get it!

    The Just Kidding Award

  8. Thanks, Cathy! I’ll get to this, I promise 😉 I really appreciate it.

  9. I have nominated you the Sunshine Award. I know you are very busy. But, I truly hope you can accept this Award. The details are in my latest post. Congratulations and Best Regards. !!!

  10. Hey Mikey…. I’m accepting! Jus give me time to write it up 😉 Thanks a bunch!

  11. Fine with me. Meanwhile, do take good care of your self okay? Regards. !!!

  12. Hello…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian

  13. Thought provoking! Good work!

  14. Thanks a lot, Don

  15. I just wanted to drop by and say that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I greatly enjoy reading your posts, and is something I think more people should look at if they get a chance.

    Cheers! And have a blessed day!

  16. Thanks so much, Paul! God bless you too….

  17. Thank you, Sebastian!

  18. You’re so welcome! God bless!

  19. Thank you for sharing, and God bless you.

  20. Thanks for reading me, Scott!

  21. You are welcome.

  22. Hi Warrior sister, I have just added your site to my links (A few of God’s children)

    Shirley Anne x

  23. Hi Shirley Anne! Thanks so much…welcome.

  24. I know you have your moderator thing switched on but it is getting pretty frustrating trying to have a discussion on your blog as my comments are always swallowed and i have to wade through the post the following day.
    Can’t you switch the thing off?
    I do enjoy popping over to your blog even if we are at each other’s throats , but if this moderating thing can’t get sorted I think I’d rather simply read,

  25. Aaaaack…sorry. I don’t know why you were in spam. Honest. You and another guy’s comments all went to spam and I just now checked it and found them. Sure sorry, Ark. Sincerely.

  26. it has been a while since i have written an article I am in deep study and just got certified as a Chaplin, I am starting to work as a Chaplin for a motorcycle club the process is slow but it is coming along. I hope you are doing well by the time I am ready to write you will see major changes in my knowledge. until then keep up the good work and God bless you and your family

  27. God bless you too, Robbie! I can see that He is and is bringing you into exactly what He wants for you in your life. How exciting!

  28. hey how goes it aint heard from ya in a while, go check out an article at shariaunveiled.wordpress.com it is called banning islam in america I wrote the article and hope you like it.

  29. […] Life of a Female Bible Warrior – https://lifeofafemalebiblewarrior.wordpress.com/ – About […]

  30. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I thought I’d check yours out in return. I life what I see. THANK YOU for sharing.

  31. Kim, I have always looked forward to your stuff, your likes and blogs. Your title is intriguing, your growth in Christ exhilirating, but why don’t you put up a pic of you smiling? (Oh rats! How do you spell exhillirating?)

  32. Hey, MSB, it’s Adrienne, not Kim. Why don’t I put up a pic of me smiling?

    I had some initial problems with being very public with my real picture and information, in the past. I prefer to keep my personal information private and only share my picture and particular identifying details with those who I know pretty well and am close to. I have a young daughter so I like to know who I’m corresponding with, well before sharing who I am, my pictures, etc.

  33. Laurelscrown,

    You’re so welcome. Thank you for coming over and commenting!

  34. OH! So that’s not you… Got it.
    But why did I say “Kim?”
    Alright Adrienne, I’m Mike Ashcraft, the man behind the MSB. No secret identity here.
    In any case, I still think a smile is a good thing. Pleased to meet you. Yours, Mike

  35. Hi Mike! Good to meet you…
    I’m being very honest and transparent in my postings, but I don’t think it’s wise to put my last name, etc., and picture onto the blog. I get some hate mail on occasion and there are just too many people who are psychotic out in the world today to risk further retribution. If I did not have a young daughter, I might be more willing to endanger myself. I’m sure you understand. Thanks again for hopping in here and commenting, Mike.

  36. Your writing style is excellent. Keep writing, keep changing. I vote or you to consider writing about the long history of the various forms of Christianity.

    Now, on another note about your avatar that I keep wondering why you don’t change:

    I saw the watermark on your “Woman praying” photo that you use as your avatar.

    I see you got it from 123RF.com


    The photographer was a Spaniard named Jose Antonio Sanchez Reyes
    Here is his website : http://www.jsreyes.com/#/about-me/

    I was always curious how one get’s those photos — did you pay? Why not remove the watermark which shows that it has a copyright and should not be used without purchasing? I often find photos with watermark but don’t use them.

    But if you go to shutterfly you can find tons of women praying stock photos too — you have to pay there too. Marketing of pretentious holiness is big bucks it seems. You might want to go thank Mr. Reyes for his photo. His site (his blog) might even tell you the woman’s name.

    Hope you appreciate the research I’ve done 😉
    So does this post imply you are going to another blog format?
    Have a great day Adrienne

  37. Sabio said:

    Your writing style is excellent. Keep writing, keep changing. I vote or you to consider writing about the long history of the various forms of Christianity.


    Now, on another note about your avatar that I keep wondering why you don’t change:

    I saw the watermark on your “Woman praying” photo that you use as your avatar.

    I see you got it from 123RF.com


    The photographer was a Spaniard named Jose Antonio Sanchez Reyes
    Here is his website : http://www.jsreyes.com/#/about-me/

    I was always curious how one get’s those photos — did you pay? Why not remove the watermark which shows that it has a copyright and should not be used without purchasing? I often find photos with watermark but don’t use them.

    Yes, I own the image and yes I have paid for the medium and small image, but I never took off the watermark as it wasn’t important to me. It’s not me so I didn’t care if people realized it wasn’t me. I state on the gravatar that the pic is not me. I just now tried to re-download the image without the watermark but it’s still showing up. I’m challenged in this area evidently. (sigh)

    But if you go to shutterfly you can find tons of women praying stock photos too — you have to pay there too. Marketing of pretentious holiness is big bucks it seems. You might want to go thank Mr. Reyes for his photo. His site (his blog) might even tell you the woman’s name.

    Hope you appreciate the research I’ve done 😉
    So does this post imply you are going to another blog format?
    Have a great day Adrienne

    No, Sabio. I am not going to another blog format. No, I’m not going to another avatar. I like this avatar. It suits me and my intent for the blog. I like this picture. I don’t care to put my own picture up. I’ve had countless people mail me and tell me that they too love this picture, that it suits me.


  38. PS:

    Sabio, I think I got the water stamp off finally. 🙂
    I am the world’s worst procrastinator. Thanks for getting me off of my butt to do something I should have done over a year and a half or more ago.

  39. Congrats on getting the watermark off!
    I wasn’t suggesting you put up a picture of yourself.
    But it is very odd to put up a picture of someone else.
    If you don’t want a picture of your face, you can do a back shot or side shot or a symbol or scene or drawing by your daughter …..
    (BTW, did you see my daughter’s drawing on Hayward’s site?)

    I think that priests dressed in robes or collars are pretentious and people showing themselves in prayer is pretentious too (the protestant version of holy pretension). Sort of like one hand telling another what its doing — “see how righteous and holy I am!”

    Food for thought — even if those in the echo chamber love it. I guess it all depends on your purpose.

  40. BTW, quoting line-for-line a person’s comment can be tedious reading. You might want to consider minimizing the practice. It has a taste of Fisking to it.

  41. So my blogging suggestion to you. Do 20 posts: each on a different flavor of Christianity (present day) which is significantly different than yours, and tell how you think it impacts to world for the good or the bad and why you think their mistake theology matters. That is my suggestion — take your time doing it. Build an index post to keep track of them overtime.

  42. PS — you might want to get rid of you “META” widget in the side bar — just default clutter of WordPress.com blogs.
    Night !

  43. Thank you kindly for dropping by my blog. 🙂

  44. Behind the mask of abuse,

    Most definitely, and thank you for dropping by my blog!

  45. My pleasure. 🙂

  46. Hi, thanks so much for liking my page ” 101 things to do before I die” and for stopping by my blog at: http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com. Your blog is so amazing too. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Betty

  47. Actually it was the page “Eternity is a long time to be wrong: Got Questions” thanks so much for liking my page. Feel free to stop in anytime. God Bless You! Betty

  48. I love your comment about taking Christianity back from the Conservative Right! I wish you well in your faith journey.
    A fellow traveler.

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