Posted by: the warrioress | February 14, 2012

The Lap of God

I learned about love from the lap of God;

discovering patience at His knee.

It’s by His hands,  I’ve been guided to Truth

His tireless Grace has made me free. 

There isn’t a Valentine in the world

that can love as Christ has loved me.

No one comprehends my heart and soul,

or knows my life’s destiny.

God, I choose you to hold my heart,

today, each and every day;

You are the One who carries me close

You are the One who will stay.

Trust is hard to come by in life,

but your love, it keeps bringing me through.

No one will ever begin to come close

To this concept of love that is true.

Happy Valentines, Heavenly Father

From your loving daughter,

~ Adrienne ~

Blessed Jesus

Jesus Christ Picture 2912

For mobile viewers and all others, please take the time to view THIS:



  1. Beautiful, Adrienne. Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your daughter.

  2. Happy Valentines to you too, Nat! God bless you and thanks..sorry for the late reply. Lots going on over here lately.

  3. No worries. I understand! It is hard to balance everything. I hope you are OK. You are always in my prayers! ((hugs))

  4. You are in mine too, Nat.

  5. Thanks for the encouraging post! 🙂 That is a beautiful picture you had up first. Where did you get it? I was wondering if I would be able to use it in a magazine a friend and I write and publish (it’s free; only about 20 people receive it), and I have to be careful about copyrights! Thanks again for your writing.


  6. Good choice of words to express His love for us.

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